Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Today was my first day to try to ride the a-train to work.  I had planned all weekend to ride about 5 miles to the train station, but then i remembered we had a potluck at work today.  I ended up driving to the train station and taking my 20-ish pound backpack on the train.  I have to transfer trains 1/2 way, and once I get off the train, its only about a mile to work.  Not even enough to really get sweaty.

It takes me an extra hour to get there in the morning, and probably about an extra 45 mins on the way back. The drive home is definitely more relaxing.. heck, I fell asleep on the train today.  But is it worth it? my alarm went off this morning at 4:10.  The earliest I can get to work is 6:30.. which may be problematic if I have an early meeting (we'll see tomorrow!)  Am I saving money on gas? Yes, probably about $7 a day at today's gas prices .... but the question remains - how much money is my time worth?  Right now, I guess its a bonus. I'm really just missing out on some sleep.  But in the future who knows...

Since I drove to the station, I ended up going right to the natatorium.  The plus side of the train was the nap on the way home, the negative side was that nap was not long enough! I really had to fight not to just go home and go back to sleep.

But I swam 300m (race distance) followed by 100m x 3 = for a total of 600m. I really should be swimming closer to 1800m per day.  Then I ran 2 miles at a 12:40 pace. I felt ok, but the wind was definitely a factor this evening!!

Tomorrow, bike/run brick.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Week 1 - DONE!!

Sometimes things really go well, sometimes they don't... this week, everything went extremely well.  This weekend in particular... it all started when I had a really good buddy run Friday night (even though it was short.)

Saturday I did my first group ride since late last year.  I rode hard, was able to help pull & lead the group and really felt strong.  A friend was doing her first bike ride in 11 months, after just having her baby girl.  She was a rock star and did great, although 40 miles was a lofty goal.  It was hot and the route had a number of hills.  She was feeling her legs at the end of the ride.  When I realized she was bonking, I rode with her on the way back in.  Never giving up, she finished the ride. I'm proud of her!

But I was also proud of myself.  I haven't been on the bike as much as I should be, but all the running I have done really showed on this ride.  My legs felt great!! I definitely need to continue running, work on my climbing legs and lose weight, but I think I held my own on this ride!

Sunday, I was still riding that high when I went for my early morning buddy run.  We started out a little slow, but our pace was 'normal' for us.  Our second mile we picked it up a little, and dropped 30 secs off of pace, even though we walked and stopped for some water.  But it was our third mile that got us really excited!  11:40 pace - my first time running a sub 12 min in probably 2 years.....  We walked a little after that, but then continued the fast pace for another 3/4 of a mile before calling it a day.  It seems like, this weekend, all the work I've done running over the last couple of months have finally paid off!!

I got home and was on a complete high!!  W suggested a few hours later that we bike to our typical Sunday brunch/lunch date with friends.  It also served as a practice for my upcoming train/bike commute this week.  We rode 4.5 miles through the city in about 20 mins, had a yummy lunch (I tried to keep it healthy with grilled shrimp, salad and side of rice) and then biked home.

Overall a very successful week (brick workouts were short since they were my first in a year!)

M: Off
T: Swim: 300m, Run: 1.3mi
W: Run (am): 1.4mile, Bike: 6.5m** flat, Run: 1.1m
R: Swim: 500m (50m x 10)
F: Run: 2.6mi
S: Bike: 39mi
S: Run: 3.9mi (50:00) Bike: 8.5 miles

Goals this week: Continue the workouts, continue to eat better, try to squeeze in some weight workouts/yoga in.

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Wed my schedule was different than usual: I went in late and went home early. my day started with a quick run in the morning with my running buddy but once again, I had stomach problems.  I have to find a solution to this, 20 minutes in and I gotta go..like NOW.. There had got to be a solution.

In the afternoon I wanted to ride the TWU tri race bike course and pair it with a short 1 mile run on the race course as well.  I forgot my air pump and my rear wheel was low so I ended up riding just under half the out and back  course. My run was not anywhere near as bad as it felt too! All in all, flat tire aside, it was a good workout.

Thursday was a swim day. I got home later than I wanted but I wouldnt let that stop me from getting my workout in. I ended up with a short workout still:10 x 50m. Yeah intervals!! I toyed with the idea of brick number 3 in 3 days in a row, but didn't end up doing it.

Friday night I ran just under 3 miles with the running buddy and felt really great!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

It was slow, but I DID IT!!!  I am happy to report that I can still swim.    I literally used this as a time trial.  I got in the water, swam 300 meters (the length of the triathlon in July) and ran then 1.36 miles.  I am happy to report that my run time, was much better than I thought it would be  - it was a 12:13 pace.  Not too bad for the first brick workout in a year!!

Tomorrow I need to keep the motivation running (no pun intended. ok, maybe a little pun intended :) )  Bike/run in the evening  - gonna try to have everything ready in the morning, so I don't need to do much when i get home.  :)

I'm ready...

to hit the pool again this afternoon.  Haven't been in the water in MONTHS! if not a full year, so this should be very very interesting.  My goal today.  Swim 300m, and time myself.  Followed by a quick run. A little nervous, but I know I can do it. Just afraid of how long it will take!!!

Hopefully I'll have something good to report later tonight.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Day 1 continued....

Well,  I did 30 min of yoga.... urr... Maybe 20 min of yoga and 10 min of "I can't do that!" Sadly, it was the "beginners practice 1" on the dvd.... Guess it's gonna take a while to get thru the whole thing.

I also stretched afterwards. since it was obvious that I have zero flexibility. To top it off, I mowed the lawn, while W went for a bike ride.


It's time to get serious...

Its time to start again - this is the third time I'm doing this - so I've appropriately renamed it "Keeping me honest - v3.0"

I've got a plan, I've got the friends to support me, I've got the tools to get it done.  Now its time to execute.

I've posted my workout plan for this week.  For the next 7 weeks, my focus is on the TWU Power Sprint Triathlon.  It will be my first tri in over 3 years, and the first TWU race as an alumni!!  I've very happy to support this race as all proceeds go to the TWU Women's Soccer Team.  I'm eager to get this one under my belt, but also need to compete well, according to my standards (and not everyone else's standards.)

Today, I ran with my running buddy.  It was a short run, but it was still good.  I thought I might swim this afternoon, but I learned that there is no lap swimming on Sundays (as listed on the natatorium schedule - that is new since I was training a few years ago.) This afternoon I need to do something else - weights, yoga, bike, something.

My other major goal this week is tracking my food, and staying within my nutrition plan.  That may be the hardest part of all.