Monday, June 3, 2013

Back on track

Its been almost 2 weeks since my last post... what have I done in that time? A lot.

I've organized my workout plan leading up the triathlon at the end of July. I'm on track so far. I need to get into the routine of swimming and biking again. Last year I was regularly doing the PBA (35 to 40mile) bike rides on Saturday mornings. Since I'm not really doing that this year, I need to make sure that I get out there and ride. I was also doing much better with my running. I've been plagued this year, on and off, with knee problems.  But I've done a lot of strengthening at the gym over the last few months, and I know I'm better than I could be.

I'm tracking again... it was a little sporadic for the last two weeks, and not as consistent as it needs to be, but  it was a start.  June is a new month, and I'm 2 for 2 so far.  I know I can do well if I just put my mind to it. The good news is that I dropped some pounds Jan/Feb, a direct result of tracking my food, and stayed relatively level March-May. Again June is a new month, and time for a new push. Any additional weight loss before the race will be beneficial to my times... and my knees!

Workouts - I've done 12 workouts in the past 12 days... wow, I didn't realize that until I looked! That includes a trip away for memorial day weekend!

These include a lot of cross-training:
Run/Walk: 2 runs (1.5 and 4.9 miles, *I also walked 1.6 to rec center before one of my fitness classes*)
Bike: 2 ride (18.5 and 14 miles)
Swimming: 1 pool workout
Kayak: 2 hours of leisurely kayaking
Fitness: Combat x2, Pump x 2, HipHop Zumba,  BodyFlow

I'm at least TRYING to stay active.  But I seriously need to increase the mileage and time dedicated for swimming, biking and running.

Goals this next week or two:
* Continue tracking my food every day
* Be mindful with what I eat, and stay on target for my caloric intake
* Build up the routine for my main tri workouts - swim/bike/run

Train on!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Why is it so difficult to do this?

It seems like every 6 to 8 MONTHS I try this blogging thing again. Usually, I am just starting up a new training plan, and hope that it will help me stay on track.  And here we are - 7 months since my last "post" and its time to do this again!

My next triathlon is just 9-10 weeks away, and I'd like to actually "train" for it this year. :) I've got a good base of something I would consider "fitness" - been doing BodyPump, BodyCombat and spin classes at the rec center.  Running "occasionally" but not enough, and my bike has re-claimed the dust I brushed off of it for the last triathlon 2.5 months ago. My goal for late July is actually pretty simple: I want to beat my times from last year... seems easy enough... I've got 10 weeks to train (compared to the 2 weeks of training last time!)  Of course, its never that 'easy'. But I know I can do this!

So - I'll try to post weekly - this week, my first workout was tonight -was  hoping to do Pump and Combat - but the arms and legs were not in agreement with that plan and both were quivering and shaky after Pump. Tomorrow I am going to try the demo Hip Hop Abs class ( no I don't think I'm going to like it, but if I want to vote for the other class (GRIT!) I need to go to this one to vote it a "no").  But I think I'm gonna follow it up with either a run or a swim.

My other goal is to track my food all week. I just need to get back into my routine - as that really helped me drop 15 pounds earlier this year (which I have happily kept off!)

Lets see if I can just remember to post to this thing every week! :)

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Still a bad blogger, but hopefully a better runner

Yes, I'm starting to think my blogging will never be very good.  :) Just can't seem to find the time to do it regularly.  As long as I am busy doing other fun things, I'm ok with that!  Once or twice a month will have to do.

Last time I talked about my short and long term goals. I was participating in my friend's fitness challenge and was hoping to lose 5.9 pounds in 30 days, something I felt was realistic goal. I had started taking a running class several weeks before and was encouraged that I would have good results.  Unfortunately work got in the way this month, October is always tough as we consistently have several deadlines in October for abstracts.  Throw in my first grant proposal and I was happy with a 2.5 pound weight loss.  At least it was in the right direction and not a 2.5 pound gain!

My next goal (intermediate) will be a PR at the half marathon on Dec 9th.  In order to PR I am going to have to a sub 11:23 pace for 13 miles.  Last week I had a 10k (6.2 mile) race on Saturday.  The 10k started 35 minutes late, but otherwise I had a good run. I knew the course (practically out my front door) and I run most of this course frequently.  My first two miles were both good - and both under 12min pace.  I was still feeling good.  It was a small race (about 60 10ker's), which meant most of the race I was by myself as we quickly got spread out.  I kept my pace in check, knowing that I needed to run my own race.  But I also realized that I might be able to run all 6 miles at a sub 12 min pace - A huge gain and significant progress towards my goal.  I pushed it on the course (both mentally and physically) and was able to finish in 1:12:31.8 for an 11:40 pace.  Awesome!  Very stoked about this - close to my goal pace for the half marathon, (but only 1/2 the distance).  Still have a ways to go, but still happy with these results.  Was able to get a short run in that following day too - just to flush the legs.

This week I did nothing and this morning I felt it.  ran 7 miles at a SLOW pace. First 3 miles weren't too bad (ran solo) but then I met the running buddy. Not sure what it was, maybe it was the fact that I got to the parking lot a little early (trying to time the beginning of the run to meet her and I didn't do a very good job of it...) I do think I do much better when I don't stop.  But I still got 7 miles in.  next week we'll be out of town, so it will be a struggle to get a full 10 miles in when I don't know the area at all.  might have to do my long run during the week.

ok, time to get some work done. and watch my steelers beat up some more on the redskins! :)

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Gaining momentum

Earlier this week, I joined a friend's Halloween Challenge. As she begins her personal training adventure, this is a way for her to motivate us, keep us accountable and get some momentum for her business. I continue to know what to do, I just don't seem to execute it very well. So I joined up! My goal: lose 5.9 pounds.

In addition, a few weeks ago, I joined a running class that is organized by a few local athletes, who also have started their own business.  Basically they offer 3 workouts a week (each is offered at two different times).  Monday and Thursday evenings, we do hills/intervals.  Weekends we do long runs at a different location each week.  These classes really push me to work hard.  I'm already starting to see the difference in my long runs. My goal is to PR in the half marathon on December 9th.

I also recently had a birthday... I have set a new long term goal.  Run 520 miles while I'm 36 years old.  So between September 12, 2012 and September 11, 2013 - my goal is to average 10 miles per week. I think that is completely reasonable!

Recently set goals
1) Short term: Lose 5.9 pounds by October 25th
2) Intermediate term: Run half marathon PR (sub-2:29:25) on Dec 9th
3) Long term: ave 10miles/wk for 1 year = 520 miles while I'm 36

So, how can I reach these goals?  By using my support system - my Hot for Halloween group, my running group, and my WW group! I've also signed up for several other events to help me along the way.  A 10K on Oct 21st, a bike ride on Nov 17th, and (hopefully) the Turkey Trot 8mile run on Thanksgiving. I've reset my mile total on the right side bar to track my progress.

Today I had a great run.  My running buddy was due for 13 miles, and I was due for 8... so she ran to my house (and back) for some extra mileage.  What a great workout!  I really enjoyed my run today and I think that it, along with all the other positive things I've mentioned above, I've gained the momentum that I need to push over this plateau.  Once I get some momentum, it will be easier to continue.  Today's run was 6 secs per mile faster, and one mile longer, than my previous long run this season. I know that doesn't sound like much, but adding a full mile to my long run, while shaving a few secs off my pace is HUGE.  Next Saturday I'll be doing a similar course to a run from a few weeks ago.  It will be a good test to see if I've made any progress over the last few weeks.  (And if I can work on my nutrition and start to see some losses on the scale, well... that would just be bonus momentum!!)


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Bad Blogger

I guess I'm a bad blogger. Summer is always hectic - even when you don't have kids. Travel, events, picnics/parties - everything seems to sneak up on us.

Its been a month since I last posted.  What have I done since then?  Probably not enough working out!!

But, things are improving.  I've started a new training plan - which includes speed training, half marathon training and triathlon training (sort of).

General plan - as of today...
Mondays = Strength and ab workout (possible swim workout)
Tuesdays = Speed workout #1
Wednesdays = Strength and ab workout, optional swim, bike or run
Thursdays = Speed workout #2
Friday = Strength and ab workout
Saturday = Long bike
Sunday = Long run

Now that I've said all this - I'm about to check out a half marathon training program/class sponsored by a local bike and run shop, and organized by a local startup fitness company.  The price and location is right.  With them, I would be running at least 3 days of week on some combination of Mondays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays.  I am excited to check them out later this week.

I have also developed a new nutrition plan.  I'm hoping that I am able to stick to it.  Tomorrow should have a  relatively good weigh in, so it should help motivate me to do well this week!

Off to do a strength workout from yesterday!!