Monday, June 3, 2013

Back on track

Its been almost 2 weeks since my last post... what have I done in that time? A lot.

I've organized my workout plan leading up the triathlon at the end of July. I'm on track so far. I need to get into the routine of swimming and biking again. Last year I was regularly doing the PBA (35 to 40mile) bike rides on Saturday mornings. Since I'm not really doing that this year, I need to make sure that I get out there and ride. I was also doing much better with my running. I've been plagued this year, on and off, with knee problems.  But I've done a lot of strengthening at the gym over the last few months, and I know I'm better than I could be.

I'm tracking again... it was a little sporadic for the last two weeks, and not as consistent as it needs to be, but  it was a start.  June is a new month, and I'm 2 for 2 so far.  I know I can do well if I just put my mind to it. The good news is that I dropped some pounds Jan/Feb, a direct result of tracking my food, and stayed relatively level March-May. Again June is a new month, and time for a new push. Any additional weight loss before the race will be beneficial to my times... and my knees!

Workouts - I've done 12 workouts in the past 12 days... wow, I didn't realize that until I looked! That includes a trip away for memorial day weekend!

These include a lot of cross-training:
Run/Walk: 2 runs (1.5 and 4.9 miles, *I also walked 1.6 to rec center before one of my fitness classes*)
Bike: 2 ride (18.5 and 14 miles)
Swimming: 1 pool workout
Kayak: 2 hours of leisurely kayaking
Fitness: Combat x2, Pump x 2, HipHop Zumba,  BodyFlow

I'm at least TRYING to stay active.  But I seriously need to increase the mileage and time dedicated for swimming, biking and running.

Goals this next week or two:
* Continue tracking my food every day
* Be mindful with what I eat, and stay on target for my caloric intake
* Build up the routine for my main tri workouts - swim/bike/run

Train on!

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